This month, we were intrigued by the Indonesian islands of Sumatra and Bali. We then jumped over to South America and visited Colombia. The notes spanned from citrusy to floral and nutty caramel.
SUMATRA RED BADGER – LIGHT ROAST Our Red Badger is a light roast with a classic smooth and slightly sweet citrusy finish. You’ll notice that it has mild cherry and floral notes and a pause that resembles pipe tobacco but backs off just as it unfolds to cocoa powder. This cup is excellent for the middle of the day with its low acid and smooth finish. Delicious from the moment it is brewed and more so as it cools.
BALI BLUE MOON – MEDIUM ROAST A wonderful cup from just below the Equator, the Bali Moon delivers classic citrus flavor from the trees that shade its growth. We love the dark molasses undertones and pomelo nose. Try it with a light twist of your favorite citrus fruits.
COLUMBIA NARINO SUPREMO – DARK ROAST We prefer this Colombian medley black as night, with its mild malty sweetness and long lasting finish. You’ll find the herbal nose is reminiscent of lavender and lemons with a hint of plum on the palette. Our Colombian roast has a smooth baker’s chocolate bite with a mild nutty and caramel finish that skips like a stone across your tongue. It’s an excellent candidate for cold coffee as well.
BONUS BEAN: INDIA CHERRY, KARNATACA, INDIA – MEDIUM ROAST Traditionally roasted dark for espresso, the India Cherry bean is used in many of our espresso mixes and delivers a velvety crema on each pull. The India Cherry is a Robusta bean, offering a good bitter caffeine punch at 2 to 3 percent more than the Arabica bean’s 1.5 percent caffeine. Today, the world over, 80{a4b0faab61d48abced19d5bed9087bfba794c8945b6439e25f30f0d187b798ce} of the coffee we drink is Arabica and the rest is Robusta. The Robusta bean is very hearty and resilient to weather, bugs, and disease, but its increased caffeine levels plus reduced lipid and sugar content as compared to the Arabica bean make the Robusta often taste like burnt licorice. This bean is all percussion and no melody—woody, earthy, green bitter walnuts. This bean is best mixed with other beans to smooth out the taste. Experiment your second or third cup by adding a pinch to the grounds.
BLEND 212 – OUR RECOMMENDATION ON BLENDING In addition to each month’s three unique beans from around the world, we also recommend a blend of the light, medium and dark roasts. We call this month’s Blend 212—with 2 parts Columbia, 1 part Bali and 2 parts Sumatra. The goal of our blends is to create a cup of coffee that stands on its own before adding cream or sugar. The Sumatra roast brings out the sweet notes, the citrus from the Bali and the baker’s chocolate from the Columbia. Try each roast individually to appreciate its distinct flavor. Next, follow our Blend 212 recipe. Finally, venture out and add a pinch of the India Cherry to the grind for an extra jolt. Keep in mind that the lighter bean has more caffeine, while the darker bean has a fuller body. Use a tablespoon to measure out the coffee by parts and place into a burr grinder, then give them a quick shake. Alternately, you can mix them after each bean has been grind individually